Rotation 1
Emergency Medicine (ED)
Dr R Talbot / Dr R Griffiths / Dr R Perry
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
You will work as part of the Emergency Department’s multi-disciplinary team which includes consultants, SHOs (F2, ACCS, GP training and “F3”), Middle grades/Registrars, Emergency and Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Physiotherapists and many more.
You will see patients with a wide range of acute and emergency presentations and have the opportunity to experience everything from the management of minor injuries to the resuscitation of some of the sickest patients in the hospital. Getting to see everything from small babies to the old and frail, this post will give any doctor a good foundation for their future career.
You will be encouraged to attend the department’s weekly junior doctor teaching programme as well as being given opportunities to be involved in monthly mortality and morbidity meetings, audit and other governance related activities.
Your Main Duties:
In the morning, you will accompany the consultant on the department’s five bedded observation unit ward round. Once the ward round is done and any jobs completed, there should plenty of time for you to see new patients in the Emergency Department (ED), under supervision. Depending on the day you could be working in Minors, Paediatrics, Majors or Resus.
Your typical working pattern in this placement could be:
In the morning, you will accompany the consultant on the department’s five bedded observation unit ward round. Once the ward round is done and any jobs completed, there should plenty of time for you to see new patients in the Emergency Department (ED), under supervision. Depending on the day you could be working in Minors, Paediatrics, Majors or Resus.
This job is 9-5 Monday to Friday and therefore unbanded. There is sadly no possibility for you to pick up locum shifts in the ED, however there may possibilities for extra internal locum F1 shifts in medicine or surgery if they are short.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 2
Dr J Sutton / Dr K Radwan
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
You will be part of a large team- - 4 Consultants, 5 Middle Grades, 3 SHOs and 3 FY1s.
We look after a wide range of acute and chronic gastrointestinal disorders as well as general medical conditions. Although mainly ward based, as the team has expanded, we will be able to offer clinic exposure and the opportunity to experience the work of the endoscopy department. We have a regular weekly departmental teaching session, as well as MDTs which provide valuable learning opportunities.
Your Main Duties:
To assist in the day to day care of 24 Gastroenterology and general medical patients.
Your typical working pattern in this placement could be:
Middle Grade Ward Round Ward Work
Ward Work
Consultant Ward Round
Ward Work
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 3
Colorectal Surgery
Mr B Chaudhary / Mr A Lala / Mr C Holden / Mr G Whiteley / Mr T Garsaa / Mr N Abdullah
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
The Department of General and Colorectal Surgery comprises of 8 consultants. There are 4 F1s in the
department, each of whom is allocated to a team of two consultants. During this rotation you will gain
experience in the management of common acute and elective General and Colorectal conditions. The
placement will allow you to develop the majority of the competencies required in the F1 curriculum.
Clinical duties are as follows:
• Initial assessment and management of emergency surgical admissions
• Maintaining hospital notes and drug charts
• Prescribing drugs and IV fluids
• Requesting referrals to other services
• Exposure to surgery in the operating theatre
• Initial assessment and management of ward patients who become unwell
• Assisting with ward rounds
• Preparing discharge summaries
• Preparing patients for surgery
• Participation in audit and morbidity /mortality presentations
• Communication with patients and their relatives
• Requesting investigations, documenting results and acting upon them
• Team working • Fulfil requirements of the placement e.g. CBD, mini CEX, DOPs
Your typical working pattern in this placement could be:
You will participate in a 1 in 8 on-call day time rota with your own team and remain with the same team to
support post-take ward work. This allows you to experience the whole patient journey while managing
common acute surgical conditions. Once every 4 weeks, you will be allocated time to join the operating
theatres, endoscopy and clinics with your clinical supervisor.
There are no night duties and this post attracts a 1B banding.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Post Numbers:
Rotation 1
Dr N Cakiroglu / Dr G Jones / Dr A Singh
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
Written by our current FY2: “Incorporating primary care into your foundation programme gives you an insight into the challenges and rewards that general practice brings. Working within the community offers another a different perspective of patients, allowing for a more holistic approach. Bron Derw is a friendly practice situated in Bangor.
The job is well supported whilst encouraging independent thinking and consistently challenging you.
Your schedule is varied and flexible allowing you to explore your career ideas. There are no out of hours on-call commitments, and your rota is confined to the working week Monday to Friday, allowing for a good work-life balance to enjoy the beauty of North Wales.”
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 2
Dr Fawaz Daher
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
The FY2 doctor will be part of our paediatric team, working as a first on call doctor. We are an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team, and are proactive educational supervisors. The FY2 will be part of the first on call rota, covering different areas to enhance the overall paediatric experience. Shifts are short days, long days and nights, and include shifts on the acute ward, paediatric assessment unit, day-case ward, neonatal unit and labour ward, postnatal ward and paediatric outpatients.
Direct clinical supervision is provided by consultants and middle grade doctors, and juniors are very well supported in this role. There is plenty of opportunity to contribute to and learn from our in-house teaching programme, as well as contribution and involvement in audit and QI projects, M&M reviews and learning, and datix reviews. Paediatrics is a challenging, but very rewarding specialty. You will gain experience in both the management of paediatric pathology and the holistic approach to managing the health of children and their families. We are a happy and enthusiastic team who are keen to make your experience in our specialty as positive and productive as possible.
You can participate in the morning departmental teaching on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and attending our journal club.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 3
Obs & Gynae
Dr G Mahindrakar