Rotation 1
Renal Medicine
Dr F Muhammad / Dr A Alejmi
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
During your time with us you will:
• Learn how to assess and manage AKI • Renal pharmacy including immunosuppressants and nephrotoxic medications
• Opportunities to participate in clinical audit • Learn how to manage CKD complications
• Observe and potentially perform a temporary dialysis line insertion • Basic principles of HD/PD/transplant
• Learn how to manage medical emergencies in general medicine
Your Main Duties:
• Daily inpatient care for general medicine and nephrology • Arrange investigations • Discussions with relatives
Your typical working pattern in this placement could be:
Consultant Ward Round
Registrar Ward Round Departmental Teaching
SHO Ward Round
Consultant Ward Round
Registrar Ward Round
Sat/ Sun
Only applicable if on-call for medicine
On call requirements: On-call for general medicine as per rota.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 2
Dr M Payne / Dr A Azzu
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
Busy Medical/Cardiology ward receiving all common Cardiac emergency admissions (NSTEMI, heart failure, AF, valve disease, endocarditis) and unselected medical take patient from Acute Admissions Unit.
Excellent team supervision, Cardiology Educational Session Friday pm. Protected F1 Educational Sessions.
Your Main Duties:
• Attending morning Board/ Ward Rounds • Discharge advice letters • Monthly ward antibiotic audit
• Ward Work • Attend protected learning events • Arranging investigations and collating results with actions supported
Your typical working pattern in this placement could be:
Registrar Ward Round Ward Work
Consultant Ward Round Ward Work
Registrar Ward Round Ward Work
Registrar Ward Round Ward Work
Consultant Ward Round Ward Work
On call duties will be as part of the acute, unselected medical take. There are no night duties and it will attract a 1B banding.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 3
Mr K Alexandrou
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
Mainly ward based as part of Urology team. Looking after inpatients and doing on-call for Gen Surgery/Urology. FY1 Teaching, Urology tutorials
Your Main Duties and typical working pattern in this placement could be:
Ward Round
Ward Round Clinic
Ward Round X Ray/ UrologyTeaching
Ward Round Theatre
Ward Round
On Call (When rostered)
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Post Numbers:
Rotation 1
Dr N Cakiroglu / Dr G Jones / Dr A Singh
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
Written by our current FY2: “Incorporating primary care into your foundation programme gives you an insight into the challenges and rewards that general practice brings. Working within the community offers another a different perspective of patients, allowing for a more holistic approach. Bron Derw is a friendly practice situated in Bangor.
The job is well supported whilst encouraging independent thinking and consistently challenging you.
Your schedule is varied and flexible allowing you to explore your career ideas. There are no out of hours on-call commitments, and your rota is confined to the working week Monday to Friday, allowing for a good work-life balance to enjoy the beauty of North Wales.”
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 2
Dr Fawaz Daher
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
The FY2 doctor will be part of our paediatric team, working as a first on call doctor. We are an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team, and are proactive educational supervisors. The FY2 will be part of the first on call rota, covering different areas to enhance the overall paediatric experience. Shifts are short days, long days and nights, and include shifts on the acute ward, paediatric assessment unit, day-case ward, neonatal unit and labour ward, postnatal ward and paediatric outpatients.
Direct clinical supervision is provided by consultants and middle grade doctors, and juniors are very well supported in this role. There is plenty of opportunity to contribute to and learn from our in-house teaching programme, as well as contribution and involvement in audit and QI projects, M&M reviews and learning, and datix reviews. Paediatrics is a challenging, but very rewarding specialty. You will gain experience in both the management of paediatric pathology and the holistic approach to managing the health of children and their families. We are a happy and enthusiastic team who are keen to make your experience in our specialty as positive and productive as possible.
You can participate in the morning departmental teaching on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and attending our journal club.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.
Rotation 3
Dr E Van Diepen
What type of work to expect and learning opportunities:
The placement is in Cemlyn ward in Llangefni Hospital, which is a Dementia Assessment Unit. The trainees are involved in assessing and looking after patients with cognitive impairment complicated by psychological and behavioural problems. They will be working in a multi-disciplinary team with nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, input from psychologists and psychiatry.
There will be options to participate in special interest placements for example community old age psychiatry.
The on call commitments consist of being part of the psychiatric on call rota.
It is important to note that this description is a typical example of your placement and may be subject to change.